We invite you to become a member of the Council starting at only $15.00 a month. The membership benefits listed below are worth many times more than the monthly fee.
IMPORTANT: If you are already a member of the National Care Planning Council DO NOT register for a state listing here. Please log in to the NCPC Member section to register for your State listing.
$15.00 A MONTH
We also charge a one-time, non refundable $45.00 setup fee
Call (800) 989-8137 if you have any questions.
Benefits include: A listing for your services on this State Council website (sample)
Your own personal web page on this State Council website (sample)
Leads from the Indiana Care Planning Council website. Learn more...
Leads from direct referrals and phone call requests. Learn more...
Brochures, Booklets, & Logos. (samples)
Membership in the National Care Planning Council. Learn more...
A Listing on the NCPC website to advertise your services (sample)
Your own personal web page on the NCPC website (sample)
Networking with other members. Learn more...
Unlimited use of over 200 articles. Learn more...
Special noncompetitive resource web site for your clients. Learn more...
Back links to members with web sites. Learn more...
Discounts on NCPC books to use for educating / marketing. Learn More...
Written press releases for members to use locally. Learn More... |
In order to join the Indiana Care Planning Council, you must be a member of the National Care Planning Council. The monthly fee of $15.00 is the minimum amount that pays for both memberships. The description of benefits below and the registration that you will go to include combined benefits and registration for both council memberships.
Join the Council
Call (800) 989-8137 if you have any questions.
About your State
Care Planning Council
State Care Planning Councils are alliances of community care providers and advisers in a given geographic area of a state. State Councils provide a platform for these local groups of independent providers and advisors to offer the following services:
~Educate the public on how to plan for long term care
~Provide a local source of 15 to 20 different eldercare services through one single state contact
~Promote a trusted organization offering reliable services
Leads from the Indiana Care Planning Council website
This website is designed to attract Internet users who are looking for specific eldercare services. These users can fill out a form that goes to the National Care Planning Council or they can call an 800 number to make specific requests. These requests are assigned to appropriate State Council care providers or advisers in the geographic area where the request is being made. Because of the design, listings on our state websites come up near the top of the list on Internet search engine requests.
We create for you, your own personal page (sample) on the State Council website. This page provides a description of you, your services, and can include a your picture and logo. A form is also provided for the public to request your services. These requests go directly to your email. Even though you may have your own website, we create this page for you to enhance the usability of the state website for the public.
Leads from direct referrals and phone call requests
Many calls for help are made to the National Council 800 number from persons who have heard about the State Care Planning Council through friends or relatives. Other requests come from brochures that have been distributed in the community or from referrals by senior support groups such as State aging services, hospital discharge workers, senior centers, the Alzheimer's Association and so on. These calls are processed by employees of the National Care Planning Council and any leads that result are given to appropriate State Care Planning Council members in the geographic area of request.
Membership in the National Care Planning Council
About the National Care Planning Council
The National Care Planning Council is a nationwide alliance of eldercare experts, advisers and providers who support and promote long term care planning.
Our statement of purpose:
- To promote a public awareness of the need for long term care planning.
- To provide materials to educate the public on how to plan for long term care.
- To provide training to member eldercare experts who help the public plan for long term care.
- To promote the services and expertise of our members.
- To provide a forum for members to share ideas and marketing strategies.
Listings on the national website to advertise your services
Your membership includes a listing (sample) on our website -- "Long Term Care Link" -- as well as your own personal sales web page (sample). If you do not want a personal web page, we will instead link directly to your web site. If we link directly, it is up to you to keep track of your statistics. We will show up as a "referrer" to your site.
We track the number of visits each month to our members’ personal sales web pages and we publish these statistics on the site. Last year, each personal sales web page on our site received on average about 1,000 visits. With that many Internet users making the effort to link through and learn more about what you offer, it is likely a number of them will take the next step and contact you for services. In March of 2008 our site broke through the barrier of over 500,000 hits a month. These hits in March were the result of about 45,000 unique visitors coming to the site and searching for information or answers to their problems.
Advertise your membership and use our logo
You may advertise your affiliation as a "member" or advertise your "membership" with the National Care Planning Council and use our logo (samples). Use the following description if you need to further clarify your relationship with us: "The National Care Planning Council is a nationwide alliance of eldercare experts, advisers and providers who promote and support long term care planning." If you use our logo on your web site please create a hyperlink from that logo back to our web site.
Networking with other members
The field of eldercare planning encompasses about 25 different specialties. Most of these services complement each other and overlap very little. There is a natural tendency for professional caregivers to collaborate and refer their services to each other; but, it is not common for financial advisers, attorneys, mediators, reverse mortgage specialists, senior real estate and other non-caregiver specialists to network with caregiving specialists. As our membership grows, it is our intent to bring these two "camps" together to provide comprehensive, "one-stop shopping" solutions to families dealing with the challenge of long term care.
Unlimited use of articles
As a member, you have our permission to reproduce and distribute monthly articles from our web site. You may use this material for commercial purposes relating to the promotion and support of long term care planning. Since it is our intent to make this information freely available to the public, you may not profit from the sale of any reproductions of our site material. We do not give you permission to publish any of this material in book form or as a pamphlet.
Special noncompetitive resource site for your clients
We have created a special resource web site for your clients that does not list any competitors or any competing services. This site includes our popular "Guide to Long Term Care Planning" as well as numerous lists and links to useful web site services. The domain for this special site is www.planforcare.net. You may link to this special resource from your website or refer your clients to it.
Back links to members with web sites
Members with their own websites are provided additional exposure on the NCPC website through a specialized list of useful links. In general, back links from one website to another help enhance the search engine relevance of both sites. In most cases, the NCPC website has a higher page rank than our members' sites. Because of our higher page rank, a link from our site to your site will help you achieve greater search engine relevance. Members linking back to us will also help enhance our page ranking. This reciprocal linking will lead to better search engine placement for both of the sites -- yours and ours.
Use of NCPC books as marketing tools
The books -- "Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefit" and "The 4 Steps of Long Term Care Planning" -- are not only meant to help the public but are also designed to help our members promote their services. Both books make the public aware of the need for using specialized or professional care services or advisors. NCPC members can buy these books in quantity at a substantial discount. Inserts, coupons or other individualization of the books will allow the public to have contact information in order to request help from the member who distributes the books.
Substantial discount on books for member use
All of the books that we publish are available to our members from 20% to 40% off the retail price depending on the book and the quantity ordered. We also intend to offer books from other organizations or individual authors at a discount for our members. These books will be primarily how-to books for member specialists listed on our website.
Written press releases for members to use locally
Within a few months we will have generic press articles available for our members to release to their local media. The idea is to design these releases such that members can appear to have produced them themselves. |